OCP/MPC Workshop 2024
Workshop on optimal control problems and model predictive control for autonomous systems
July 16th - 17th @ MIT Building 24, Room 24-115, Cambridge, MA
Registration Important dates Organizers Contact
Program Venue Relevant repositories
In this workshop, participants will engage in hands-on exploration of optimal control problems (OCPs) applied to motion planning and model predictive control (MPC) in autonomous robotic systems. By engaging with cutting-edge tools and techniques, participants will develop the skills necessary to navigate complex environments, optimize trajectory paths, and execute tasks with precision and efficiency in robotic systems.
To streamline the guided exercises, the workshop makes use of the free and open-source Rockit [1] and Impact [2][3] software frameworks developed by the MECO Research Team at KU Leuven and built on top of the numerical optimization framework CasADi [4], designed for efficient nonlinear programming.
Exercises will be mainly in Python, and Docker images containing a development and simulation environment will be provided. Attendees can later adopt the presented open-source software frameworks in their research.
While foundational concepts of OCPs will be introduced, the course focuses on learning-by-doing. The course prioritizes practical know-how, enabling participants to directly apply Rockit and Impact to tackle real-world robotic challenges. The attendees will learn to formulate and solve OCPs, gaining valuable experience in implementing trajectory optimization algorithms and MPC strategies. Moreover, participants will learn how to swiftly deploy OCPs and MPCs in C, Python and ROS 2.
This workshop is organized by members of the MECO Research Team of KU Leuven, Belgium. The MECO Research Team focusses on modeling, estimation, identification, analysis and optimal control of motion and motion systems such as mechatronic systems or machine tools. It combines theoretical contributions (development of design methodologies) with experimental knowhow (implementation and experimental validation on lab-scale as well as industrial setups). The theoretical research benefits from the group’s expertise on numerical optimization, especially convex optimization.
The following videos show previous works developed by the MECO Research Team using the software tools that will be used in this workshop:
This workshop has received funding from the MIT-Belgium - KU Leuven Seed Fund within the framework of the MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) grant programme. The MECO Research Team is part of Flanders Make, the strategic research centre for the manufacturing industry.

Due to capacity constraints at the venue of the workshop, we kindly ask all participants to register their participation.
Participation at the workshop is free of charge, but registration is compulsory, and limited to staff/students/researchers/professors/others associated to MIT or KU Leuven. Please contact the organizers in case you have any question.
Lunch will be provided during the two days of the workshop.
Use the following button to register:
Click here to register for the workshop
Your registration will be completed only after you receive a confirmation email from the organizers.
Important dates
- Registration deadline: July 12th, 2024 (AoE)
- Workshop dates: July 16th and 17th, 2024.
This workshop is organized (and its content has been created) by five members of the MECO Research Team of KU Leuven, Belgium:
Alejandro Astudillo
Postdoctoral researcher
Wilm Decré
Research manager
Louis Callens
Doctoral researcher
Alex Gonzalez García
Doctoral researcher
Dries Dirckx
Doctoral researcher
You can reach the organizers for any questions by contacting them at:
alejandro.astudillovigoya < at > kuleuven.be
Relevant repositories
Program Tentative. In Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4; Cambridge, MA Time).
Overview of the workshop
Short introduction to the content of the workshop
Introduction to nonlinear programming
Preliminary concepts on specifying and solving nonlinear programming problems
Tutorial on CasADi and its Opti stack
How to efficiently define expressions, functions and nonlinear programs with the numerical optimization framework CasADi
Lunch break
Introduction to nonlinear optimal control
How to formulate optimal control problems using different transcription methods and integrators
Tutorial on Rockit (Part 1)
How to easily specify and prototype optimal control problems using different solvers
Introduction to second day
Short introduction to the content of the second day of the workshop
Tutorial on Rockit (Part 2)
How to easily specify and prototype optimal control problems using different solvers
Introduction to nonlinear MPC
Short introduction on going from an optimal control problem to a model predictive controller
Tutorial and interactive session on Impact (Part 1)
How to easily specify, prototype and deploy MPC for robotic systems in C, Python, and ROS 2
Lunch break
Tutorial and interactive session on Impact (Part 2)
How to easily specify, prototype and deploy MPC for robotic systems in C, Python, and ROS 2