
  • The CI/CD is set up to automatically build binaries for Windows, Mac and Linux
  • Running as a Microsoft Azure DevOps pipeline
  • Binaries are only being built when one of the following occurs
    1. A commit to the develop branch is pushed
    2. A tag starting with v is pushed, e.g. v1.0

develop builds

  • The dev tag is automatically moved to always point at the tip of develop (latest commit)
  • The develop pre-release is automatically built from this tag
  • The binaries are always updated to the latest CI/CD run, so once a pipeline is triggered by pushing to develop, the former binaries will be deleted

Tagged commits

  • If you push a tag starting with v, the CI/CD pipeline will be triggered for a release
  • The release name will be the tag’s name
  • The release message consists of the tag’s message, appended with information on the author and the timestamp
  • If you want to update a release, update the tag locally (git tag -f v5.0.0 -m "move tag around") and then force a remote update (git push origin -f v5.0.0); this will re-run a pipeline for this tag